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Campus Committees

A number of campuswide committees include a staff representative to serve on the committee and provide input from a staff perspective. If you are interested in representing the Staff Association on any of these campus committees, email

UC San Diego Campus Committee Staff Representative
Advisory Committee on Sustainability Ken Hall
Campus/Community Planning Committee Sophia Limon
Campus Child Care Advisory Committee Keiara Auzenne
Jenny Nolan Kressel
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women

Dawn M. Carroll
Emiley Dionne
Julie Freeman
Sherry Seethaler
Mona Zarei
Susan Zau

Community Safety and Security Advisory Committee Susan Bernal
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Council Carlos Martinez
Sophie Staschus
Institutional Biosafety Committee Scott Barton
Radiation Safety Committee Kishore Kotta
Radioactive Drug Research Committee Kishore Kotta
Transportation Advisory Committee Alexia Cervantes
Desiree Hennon
University Centers Advisory Board Emily Trask