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2022-23 Staff Association Executive Board


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Elected Executive Board Members

Appointed Members, Affiliate Group Representatives

Non-Voting Members

Meet the Executive Board: Officers

Desiree Hennon



Home department: Human Resources

Years with the University: 10

Why I joined the Staff Association: To support staff engagement, health, and wellness.

What a typical day of work looks like: Most of my days are spent at home working in the “virtual office”.  I am currently going into the office on Tuesdays to collect mail and do any faxing or scanning that is still required. At first, working from home was a bit of an adjustment, but now I love it. My favorite part? The commute is a dream! From my bed to the “office” in 30 seconds. I also do some of my work outside which I never did in an office setting. I get some fresh air and sunshine while sitting on the deck and completing my daily tasks.

Hobbies/Passions: I love to read, do jigsaw puzzles, knit, and crochet. I have been a volunteer for the San Diego Humane Society for eleven years and have clocked over 700  hours of service. I work with the Community Engagement team doing events in which we promote animal welfare programs and facilitate off-site animal adoptions. I also love spending time with my nephews Owen and Ollie, playing basketball, jumping on the trampoline, and playing UNO.

Proudest achievement: I completed my certification program to be an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in November 2020. It is a side passion project of mine and I have enjoyed using what I learned in that program to better the health and wellness of the UC San Diego staff in the Wellness Chair position. I love that I now have friends, family and coworkers that come to me for advice on how to live a healthier and richer life.

Roberta Camarena

Roberta Camarena



Home department: Chancellor's Office

Years with the University: 12

Why I joined the Staff Association: I love UC San Diego staff and love the opportunity to serve them.

What I'm most passionate about at UC San Diego: I have a passion to increase Triton diversity.

What a typical day of work looks like: Email, collaborative meetings, producing or completing documents, planning or leading events.

Favorite movie and why: Good Will Hunting – I enjoy the development of an orphaned first-year student thriving in Mathematics, having the smarts to make love his priority. We follow the character through “dreams, fears, loves, hopes, weaknesses, heartbreak, loss, family and friendship.”

Hobbies/Passions: Family and volunteerism.

Favorite quote: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content in any circumstance. I have experienced times of need and times of abundance. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment, whether I go satisfied or hungry, have plenty or nothing. I am able to do all things through the One who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:11-13

Joanna Boval

Joanna Boval

Communications Coordinator, Veterans Staff Association


Home department: Office for Students with Disabilities

Years with the University: 12

Why I joined the Staff Association: To learn from the diverse, talented staff members at UC San Diego and to mentor new staff members.

What I'm most passionate about at UC San Diego: Working with individuals with disabilities and with veterans, and collaborating with others to create a campus that is accessible and welcoming to all.

Hobbies/Passions: I enjoy hiking and rucking (walking with a weighted backpack) and am actively involved in the San Diego Triton Ruck Club.

Laura McElroy

Laura McElroy

Chair, Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship


Home department: Financial Aid and Scholarships Office

Years with the University: 16

Why I joined the Staff Association: I consider it a privilege to serve in the Staff Association. It is a way to actively participate in our campus community.

What I’m most passionate about at UC San Diego: In a word, development. I like to see development happen, from the development and success of our business processes to the development and success of our students and staff. It is all meaningful and I enjoy learning about it and helping move forward towards success.

What a typical day of work looks like: Reviewing documents and specifications.

Favorite movie and why: The Truman Show. I like Jim Carey and the premise of the movie speaks to me about looking deeper than the polished image we sometimes live for.

Hobbies/Passions: Reading and listening to podcasts. Time with my kids, helping people.

Additional interests: Family, travel.

Favorite quote: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -The Bible, Philippians 4:13

Proudest achievement: Raising kind children.

Meet the Executive Board: Elected Board Members

Vanessa Hollingsworth

Vanessa Hollingsworth

Ambassador Chair

Pronouns: she/her/ella


Home department: Bioengineering

Years with the University: 8

Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined because I can appreciate the need for staff to have a voice and place on campus, and I wanted to be a part of an association whose mission it is to serve that need. In addition, I enjoy helping others, and I thought this would be an excellent way to do that.

What a typical day of work looks like: As a graduate coordinator my day can involve anything from prospective and current student advising to coordinating funding for Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) and TAs in the department. I often have to do something in UCPath, the Grad Student Database, or DocuSign (so many forms!) everyday. But my favorite part of any work day is getting to interact with students! It’s wonderful to see the next generation of great leaders and thinkers earning their degrees.

Special interests and hobbies: I love traveling and going on “food adventures”, which mainly consist of some friends and myself trying every new restaurant we hear about. Reach out if you have food recommendations! I also love to craft! I love making handmade cards, doing embroidery, and making fun things out of felt.

Shannon Milligan

Assessment co-Chair

Pronouns: she/her


Home department: Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs

Years with the University: 3

Why I joined the Staff Association: I wanted to be able to engage in data-informed advocacy for our staff. This was also a great way to learn more about the campus and to get to know people, especially since I started not long before the pandemic!

Favorite movie and why: Maybe Clue, because it’s so ridiculous and funny

Proudest achievement: Moving to San Diego for this position! It was just my dog and me, and I didn’t really know anyone here.

Elizabeth Jimenez Perez

Elizabeth Jimenez Perez

Assessment co-Chair

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Home department: Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs

Years with the University: 2

Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined the staff association to advocate, meet other staff members, and to learn about other areas of the university.

Nydia Dominguez

Nydia Dominguez

Basic Needs Chair

Pronouns: she/her/ella


Home department: Study Abroad / Global Education

Years with the University: 3

Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined because I want to be able to support staff and play a more active role in our campus community.

What a typical day of work looks like: As a Study Abroad Advisor, I usually am meeting with students, reviewing applications, or doing outreach with departments across campus to promote study abroad. I also get to work on special projects within my area of interest.

Hobbies/Passions: Travel, Hiking, camping, beach, and going on adventures with my dog Luna.

Andra Jacques

Campus Community Relations Chair


Home department: Global Education

Years with the University: 6

Samia Hamnache

Samia Hamnache

Inclusion Chair
EDI Advisory Council Representative

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Home department: Neurological Surgery

Years with the University: 16

Why I joined the Staff Association: Joining the Staff Association is a true honor and a wonderful opportunity for me to represent our staff through their voice they might not otherwise express with confidence.
   As a female immigrant whose parents came from different cultures and backgrounds (I was born and raised in France, mom was Italian and dad was Algerian), spoke different languages, and who has lived in multiple states and countries, I have always felt the importance of embracing all and how rich we become as a community by being inclusive of all.
   In addition, as Program and Operations Lead for the Department of Neurological Surgery Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Program, I am committed to nurture an environment that is inclusive of all, which is something I will gladly be extending to UC San Diego Community.
   Making a positive contribution to our society is a mission of mine, and that is something I have done through many years of volunteer work (International Rescue Committee to support political refugees, San Diego Fire Department First Responder, American Red Cross International Rescue Program and Canteen, Urban Angels and Father Joe’s Canteens, etc.), through my department’s EDI program, and now through UC San Diego Staff Association and the Vice Chancellor Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group.

What I’m most passionate about at UC San Diego: UC San Diego provides many interesting opportunities career-wise that allow you to make a positive contribution not only within UC San Diego, but also at a national and international level. I particularly enjoy the fact that it is a multicultural environment, and therefore rich in many aspects.

Favorite movie and why: The Fountain by director Darren Aronofsky. This movie is certainly not popular nor the a traditional/conventional Hollywood movie. It is about life and death, and both beautiful, unique, visually creative and one of those movies that makes you think and makes you appreciative of small but yet beautiful things that life has to offer.

Hobbies/Passions: Nature, hiking, all forms of art (dancing, drawing, writing, etc.), fitness (Certified Fitness Trainer and Cognitive Health Facilitator), local, national and international travels, volunteering, international cuisine, and human and animal rights advocacy.

eeman agrama minert

eeman agrama minert

Marketing and Communication (Marcom) Chair

Pronouns: she/her


Home department: Human Resources

Years with the University: 21

Why I joined the Staff Association: Outside of my UC San Diego day job, I am a visual artist and photographer. Naturally, this inspires my approach to marketing, communication and design. I believe in unlocking the authentic narratives of our dynamic staff at UC San Diego and I am determined to help illuminate our stories through imagery and authentic connections and storytelling. Through my work as the Marcom chair of the Staff Association, I am committed to communicating our Staff Association’s shared vision while guiding changing work culture and shifting how we communicate and engage with staff. I believe it is critical that communication flows from the grassroots (employees) to leadership and back… especially as we innovate towards a new, post-pandemic, work-life balance and being in community together and stronger this time!

Favorite movie and why: Most recently -  “In the Heights” as it speaks to the experience of children of immigrant parents and First Gen college student experience. (It's a musical and I love to sing!)

Hobbies/Passions: Music (Karaoke/singing/a capella), Ukulele, the Ocean, Photography, Interior Design, DIY and all things crafty!

Favorite quote: "I illuminate the stories of the people in the street. Some have happy endings. Some are bittersweet. But I know them all and that's what makes my life complete." -Lin Manuel Miranda as Usnavi, from In the Heights.

Kelvin Huang

Kelvin Huang

Social and Networking Events Chair


Home department: Environment, Health and Safety

Years with the University: 12

Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined the Staff Association because I want to make a difference on campus and foster sister and brotherhood amongst staff.

Favorite movie and why: Armageddon. I love Armageddon because of the cinematography and the directing. The soundtrack was amazing.

Hobbies/Passions: DJ, Backpacking, Beach Bum, Dragon Boating, Gym

Favorite quote: "One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember" - Avicii

Cyndi Meeves

Cyndi Meeves

Staff Development and Education Chair


Home department: ORU Core Events Services

Years with the University: 5

Alexia Cervantes

Wellness Chair


Home department: Campus Recreation

Years with the University: 15+

Meet the Executive Board: Affiliate Group Representatives

Davyda Johnson

Davyda Johnson

Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)


Home department: Business & Financial Services

Years with the University: 22

Anthony Singleton

co-Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)


Home department: Business & Financial Services

Years with the University: 32

Mario Garibay, Ed.D.

Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)

Pronouns: he/him


Home department: Muir College

Years with the University: 7

Why I joined the Staff Association: I truly value the community we build for Chicanx/Latinx staff through the CLSA.

What I’m most passionate about at UC San Diego: I am able to work with such amazing colleagues and students. It’s definitely the people.

Hobbies/Passions: In addition to spending time with my two little sons, I enjoy frequenting the movie theaters, Disneyland, and enjoy all things Marvel. I’m also a huge foodie so love trying new restaurants and coffee shops around the city.

Angelo Colon

Angelo Colon

Vice Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)

Pronouns: he/him/his


Home department: Muir College Student Affairs

Years with the University: 1

Why I joined the Staff Association: The Staff Association provides me an opportunity to connect with colleagues across campus and to build community for all. I chose to start with the CLSA to advocate for and be a voice for a community that has been an important component of who I am as a person.

Favorite movie and why: Halloween. It was my first introduction to the cinematic worlds of suspense and horror.

Hobbies/Passions: – I truly enjoy heading to a great theme park, particularly ones with multiple roller coasters, or great theming like the Disney parks. You can also find me satiating my desire to learn at a museum or deep in thought in a book.

Favorite quote: “To all who come to this happy place, welcome.” -Walt Disney

Hiroko Wilson

Membership/Treasurer, Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship (FSCF)


Home department: Capital Program Management

Years with the University: 3

Margaret Rattanachane

co-Chair, Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)


Home department: Medicine

Years with the University: 9

Sharon Young

Sharon Young

Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)

Pronouns: she/her


Home department: Pediatrics

Years with the University: 14

Why I joined the Staff Association: More community, connection, advocacy, mobilization, and service.

What I’m most passionate about at UC San Diego:

What a typical day of work looks like:

Favorite movie and why:

Hobbies/Passions: Dance; Playing Music – piano, bass guitar, drums; Listening to Music – New Wave, Punk Rock, Kpop, Math, Prog, Jazz; Kpop Deep Dives; Fitness

Additional interests: Female Empowerment; AAPI Advocacy and Mobilization

Favorite quote: “Hope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you break down doors with in an emergency. Hope should shove you out the door, because it will take everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from the annihilation of the earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and marginal... To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” - Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark

Veronica Phair

Parents, Guardians and Caregivers Association (PGCA)

Pronouns: she/her


Home department: Department of Extended Studies

Years with the University: 7

Why I joined the Staff Association: I had always wanted to get involved with the University, then I found Social Mamma’s committee where I could meet fellow moms and feel a part of a community. It made me feel connected and more zealous to work for UC San Diego.

Favorite movie and why: My favorite movie is Across the Universe. I love the Beatles after taking a class in college about them, and the cinematography is amazing.

Additional interests: Competing as Mrs. La Mesa for Mrs. America. It pushed me to grow as a person and helped fuel a passion for a platform for postpartum health in America.

Proudest achievement: Performing at Carnegie Hall in 2002.

Diana Olsen

Director, Retirement Association


Home department: Retired

LaWana Richmond

Chair, UJIMA Network


Home department: Auxiliary Business Services Unit

Years with the University: 17

Ynez Hicks

Chair, Veterans Staff Association (VSA)


Home department: Information Technology Services

Meet the Executive Board: Non-Voting Members

Bryce Besser

Bryce Besser



Home department: Risk Management

Years with the University: 7

Why I joined the Staff Association: I wanted to leverage the experience and knowledge I possessed to help improve the employee experience at UC San Diego and increase my knowledge of UC San Diego’s mission and operations. I’m excited for the opportunity to partner with individuals who are passionate about their work, about the University, and about ensuring that UC San Diego remains a wonderful place to work.

What a typical day of work looks like: I enjoy a very diverse role on campus. On any given day I can be working with departments on how to plan safe research trips overseas, analyzing waivers and special event proposals, corresponding with the Center for Student Involvement regarding Registered Student Organizations, creating training modules on employment law topics for managers and supervisors, reviewing subpoenas for employment and student records, and working with attorneys in the defense of employment and general liability lawsuits. I truly love distilling complex legal and Risk Management principles into easy to understand concepts so that our departments can focus on the world-class teaching and research that makes UC San Diego the preeminent research university in the world.

Favorite movie and why: I love 80’s movies. One of my all-time favorites is Blade Runner. The story, music, and atmosphere were light years ahead of their time and often replicated today.

Additional community service I am involved in and why: I served on the Governance Committee for the San Diego Youth Symphony and was a board member. The San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS) believes every student deserves music education for the lifetime of joy it provides and the habits, skills and traits students acquire that will improve their academic, personal and professional lives. SDYS adopted a long-term vision of “making music education accessible and affordable for all” and has been instrumental in helping bring music education back into San Diego’s public schools. I serve because, as a former musician, I know firsthand the positive impact music has on child development.  It not only helps children develop a sense of accomplishment, it also teaches them how to push through adversity, work hard to improve in something, and public engagement.

Sheriyan Bradford

SAEB Assistant


Amanda Chavez



Home department: Human Resources