2023-24 Staff Association Executive Board
The executive board (SAEB) is the leadership of the Staff Association. Board members include committee chairs, who are elected by Staff Association members, affiliate group representatives, who are appointed by their respective group, and officers who are elected by the board. Annual elections are held in spring.
Click a name to jump to their profile.
- Desiree Hennon, Chair
- Roberta Camarena, Chair-Elect
- Bryce Besser, Secretary
- eeman agrama minert, Treasurer
Elected Executive Board Members
- Courtney Nunez, Ambassador Chair
- Elizabeth Jimenez Perez, Assessment Chair
- Julie Daugherty, Basic Needs Chair
- Vacant, Campus Community Relations Chair
- Samia Hamnache, Inclusion Chair
- Maddie Martinez, Marketing and Communication (Marcom) Chair
- Ronnielen (Ren) Cabales, Outreach and Engagement Chair
- Kelvin Huang, Social and Networking Events Chair
- Aracely Chavez, Special Projects and Campus Collaborations Chair
- Divya Subramonian, Staff Education/Development Chair
- Diamond West, Staff Recognition Chair
- Alexia Cervantes, Wellness Chair
Appointed Members, Affiliate Group Representatives
- Sarab Aziz, Arab American Association
- Michael Provence, Arab American Association
- Davyda Johnson, Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)
- Anthony Singleton, co-Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)
- Mario Garibay, Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)
- Angelo Colon, Vice Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)
- Hiroko Wilson, Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship (FSCF)
- Vacant, LGBT Staff and Faculty Association
- Margaret Rattanachane, co-Chair, Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)
- Chelsea Largoza, co-Chair, Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)
- Veronica Phair, Parents, Guardians and Caregivers Association (PGCA)
- Diana Olsen, Director, Retirement Association
- Diana Henderson, Staff Sustainability Network (SSN)
- LaWana Richmond, Chair, UJIMA Network
- Ynez Hicks, Chair, Veterans Staff Association (VSA)
- Rhett Miller, Visual Arts Group
Non-Voting Members
- Amanda Chavez, Ex-Officio
- Csilla Csori, Marcom Committee Member
- Justin Glover, Marcom Committee Member
- Jennie Van Meter, Marcom Committee Member
Meet the SAEB: Officers

Desiree Hennon
Contact: dhennon@ucsd.edu
Home department: Human Resources
Years with the University: 10
Why I joined the Staff Association: To support staff engagement, health, and wellness.
What a typical day of work looks like: Most of my days are spent at home working in the “virtual office”. I am currently going into the office on Tuesdays to collect mail and do any faxing or scanning that is still required. At first, working from home was a bit of an adjustment, but now I love it. My favorite part? The commute is a dream! From my bed to the “office” in 30 seconds. I also do some of my work outside which I never did in an office setting. I get some fresh air and sunshine while sitting on the deck and completing my daily tasks.
Hobbies/Passions: I love to read, do jigsaw puzzles, knit, and crochet. I have been a volunteer for the San Diego Humane Society for eleven years and have clocked over 700 hours of service. I work with the Community Engagement team doing events in which we promote animal welfare programs and facilitate off-site animal adoptions. I also love spending time with my nephews Owen and Ollie, playing basketball, jumping on the trampoline, and playing UNO.
Proudest achievement: I completed my certification program to be an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in November 2020. It is a side passion project of mine and I have enjoyed using what I learned in that program to better the health and wellness of the UC San Diego staff in the Wellness Chair position. I love that I now have friends, family and coworkers that come to me for advice on how to live a healthier and richer life.
Favorite music: R&B, Soul, Jazz

Roberta Camarena
Contact: rcamarena@ucsd.edu
Home department: Chancellor's Office
Years with the University: 13
Why I joined the Staff Association: I love UC San Diego staff and love the opportunity to serve them.
What I'm most passionate about at UC San Diego: I have a passion to increase Triton diversity.
What a typical day of work looks like: Email, collaborative meetings, producing or completing documents, planning or leading events.
Favorite movie and why: Good Will Hunting – I enjoy the development of an orphaned first-year student thriving in Mathematics, having the smarts to make love his priority. We follow the character through “dreams, fears, loves, hopes, weaknesses, heartbreak, loss, family and friendship.”
Hobbies/Passions: Family and volunteerism.
Favorite quote: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content in any circumstance. I have experienced times of need and times of abundance. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment, whether I go satisfied or hungry, have plenty or nothing. I am able to do all things through the One who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:11-13

Bryce Besser
Contact: bbesser@ucsd.edu
Home department: Risk Management
Years with the University: 9
Why I joined the Staff Association: I wanted to leverage the experience and knowledge I possessed to help improve the employee experience at UC San Diego and increase my knowledge of UC San Diego’s mission and operations. I’m excited for the opportunity to partner with individuals who are passionate about their work, about the University, and about ensuring that UC San Diego remains a wonderful place to work.
What a typical day of work looks like: I enjoy a very diverse role on campus. On any given day I can be working with departments on how to plan safe research trips overseas, analyzing waivers and special event proposals, corresponding with the Center for Student Involvement regarding Registered Student Organizations, creating training modules on employment law topics for managers and supervisors, reviewing subpoenas for employment and student records, and working with attorneys in the defense of employment and general liability lawsuits. I truly love distilling complex legal and Risk Management principles into easy to understand concepts so that our departments can focus on the world-class teaching and research that makes UC San Diego the preeminent research university in the world.
Favorite movie and why: I love 80’s movies. One of my all-time favorites is Blade Runner. The story, music, and atmosphere were light years ahead of their time and often replicated today.
Additional community service I am involved in and why: I served on the Governance Committee for the San Diego Youth Symphony and was a board member. The San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS) believes every student deserves music education for the lifetime of joy it provides and the habits, skills and traits students acquire that will improve their academic, personal and professional lives. SDYS adopted a long-term vision of “making music education accessible and affordable for all” and has been instrumental in helping bring music education back into San Diego’s public schools. I serve because, as a former musician, I know firsthand the positive impact music has on child development. It not only helps children develop a sense of accomplishment, it also teaches them how to push through adversity, work hard to improve in something, and public engagement.

eeman agrama minert
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact: eagrama@ucsd.edu
Home department: Human Resources
Years with the University: 22 years with UC, 14 at UCSD
Why I joined the Staff Association: I recently began serving in an officer role as the Staff Association Treasurer. However, I initially joined as the Chair of MarCom and served in this role for 2 years. I was able to reimagine how our approach to communicating our Staff Association’s shared vision, impacting work culture and shifting how we communicate and engage with staff. Continuing as a Staff Association officer, I remain committed to the important work of ensuring communication flows from the grassroots (employees) to leadership and back, especially as we innovate within our new hybrid work environment and strive towards work-life balance.
What a typical day of work looks like: My role is responsible for recruitment and outreach for Talent Solutions in HR and market UC San Diego as an employer of choice! I do not have a typical work day since I am sometimes out in the community recruiting, presenting or career coaching 1:1. I am concerned about staff retention and satisfaction and I believe in unlocking the authentic narratives of our dynamic staff at UC San Diego and to help create a platform for connections and career advancement.
Hobbies/Passions: Music (I'm a karaoke regular), Ukulele, the Ocean, Photography, Radio Voice Over, DIY and all things crafty! Outside of my day job, I am a visual artist and photographer. Naturally, this inspires me everyday!
Proudest achievement: In general, I am constantly proud of my work as an artist expressing equity, inclusion and dissent through imagery. You don't run into many women of color photographers out there, and I am proud to push through those barriers and represent!
Meet the SAEB: Elected Executive Board Members

Courtney Nunez
Ambassador Chair
Contact: cnunez@ucsd.edu
Home department: Anthropology
Years with the University: 4
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined Staff Association for the opportunity to meet more of our incredible staff and to improve their time on campus.
What a typical day of work looks like: My typical day is always changing! My day changes depending on the departmental needs, which can be financial analysis and planning one day or undergraduate course schedule the next. I am involved in all aspects of the administration of our department.
Hobbies/Passions: I love traveling, reading, taking my dog to the beach, sailing, and enjoying all the incredible food San Diego has to offer!
Proudest achievement: My proudest achievement is being a first-generation college graduate as the daughter of immigrants.
Favorite music: I have a wide range of music tastes! Currently playing Indie Pop and Pop Punk Nonstop!

Elizabeth Jimenez Perez
Assessment Chair
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact: e1jimenezperez@ucsd.edu
Home department: Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs
Years with the University: 4
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined the staff association to stay informed, to advocate, and build community.
What a typical day of work looks like: A typical work day looks like having my iced coffee every morning and playing with my kitten PanchiLu while listening to some music. Then I review priorities and set some goals for the day. Most of my time I do research, some project management or work on data requests.
Hobbies/Passions: I love to dance salsa, banda, and bachata. I also enjoy working out and watching reality TV.
Proudest achievement: My proudest achievement is being the first in my family to earn a master's degree. This is not only my accomplishment but my family's as well.
Favorite music: R&B, Banda, and Reggaeton

Julie Daugherty
Basic Needs Chair
Contact: jadaugherty@ucsd.edu
Home department: Financial Aid & Scholarships
Years with the University: 5
Why I joined the Staff Association: I wanted to get involved in more activities with the University. I look forward to providing people with some very useful information.
What a typical day of work looks like: It’s all over the place: Answering student questions and concerns in person, via email, SNOW tickets, and phones. I’m part of the team that reviews Satisfactory Academic Progress, manually packaging the EAP/Study abroad program, and the remote social committee. I also manage the GPS/IRPS grad program which includes manually packaging each of those students. I’m currently supervising our 8 federal work study students. So my day can go any which way, depending on lots of factors – BUT THAT’S WHY I LOVE WHAT I DO! 😊
Hobbies/Passions: Shopping, fashion, make up, super fun manicures, off roading in our UTV, camping, the beach, providing inspiration to all around me, and spending time with my family.
Favorite music: I love all kinds of music!!!

Samia Hamnache
Inclusion Chair
EDI Advisory Council Representative
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact: shamnache@health.ucsd.edu
Home department: Neurological Surgery
Years with the University: 17
Why I joined the Staff Association: Joining the Staff Association is a true honor and a wonderful opportunity for me to represent our staff through their voice they might not otherwise express with confidence. As a female immigrant whose parents came from different cultures and backgrounds (I was born and raised in France, mom was Italian and dad was Algerian), spoke different languages, and who has lived in multiple states and countries, I have always felt the importance of embracing all and how rich we become as a community by being inclusive of all.
In addition, as Program and Operations Lead for the Department of Neurological Surgery Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Program, I am committed to nurture an environment that is inclusive of all, which is something I will gladly be extending to UC San Diego Community. Making a positive contribution to our society is a mission of mine, and that is something I have done through many years of volunteer work (International Rescue Committee to support political refugees, San Diego Fire Department First Responder, American Red Cross International Rescue Program and Canteen, Urban Angels and Father Joe’s Canteens, etc.), through my department’s EDI program, and now through UC San Diego Staff Association and the Vice Chancellor Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group.
What a typical day of work looks like: I start very early to go through all my emails and take care of my top priorities, and before my meetings start. My staff either stop by my office or I stop by theirs, and I send her a good morning message via Teams to start our day with a smile. I also make sure to say goodbye to my team before I leave work to go to the gym and then home.
Hobbies/Passions: Nature, hiking, all forms of art (dancing, drawing, writing, etc.), fitness (Certified Fitness Trainer and Cognitive Health Facilitator), local, national and international travels, volunteering, international cuisine, and human and animal rights advocacy.
Proudest achievement: Developing and managing programs that support patients, doctors, families, staff, and/or students, and particularly those benefiting low income families, underserved, underrepresented, and LGBTQIA+ communities. Getting elected as the Inclusion Chair last year for the Staff Association Executive Board was also a great honor and opportunity to contribute to the greater UCSD and our institution’s Principles of Community.
Favorite music: Rock, Electronic, Opera, Blues, and Classical

Maddie Martinez
Marketing and Communication (Marcom) Chair
Contact: mmmartinez@ucsd.edu
Home department: Institute of Arts and Humanities
Years with the University: 1
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined SA to make connections and network across campus. I also wanted to gain more skills and knowledge in Marketing.
What a typical day of work looks like: Depends on the day usually if I have an event or not. But my day usually starts with a meeting or two and then I focus on getting my financials in and approved. Then I work on event planning and marketing for my department. If there is an event I prep my materials and go to the event space. And I always make time to either run to Target or get a coffee to take a couple minutes out of my day to take a moment and reflect on how much I love my job. But if I am working remote I go to the gym during my lunch to look at Petco Park and Coronado instead of my wall at home behind my computer.
Hobbies/Passions: My hobbies and passions include going to pilates and the gym, reading, baking, watching sunsets or going on beach walks and collecting sand dollars and hosting my friends over for dinner, movie night, or a pool day. I love spending time with my parents and their puppy dog either in Denver or San Diego! I am also a huge sports girl and a huge foodie girl!
Proudest achievement: Being able to live on my own and support myself. I just moved into my dream apartment I have always wanted so I guess I am really proud of that!
Favorite music: Hip Hop/Rap, Pop, Country, 80s and 90s!
Ronnielen (Ren) Cabales
Outreach and Engagement Chair
Contact: rcabales@ucsd.edu
Home department: Health Sciences Office of Faculty Affairs
Years with the University: 2
Why I joined the Staff Association: I've always been passionate about community relations, especially when it comes to outreach and engagement! I enjoy creating positive experiences and opportunities for people to connect. I would love to collaborate with campus communities to further staff engagement and increase the sense of belonging at UC San Diego. There's something about being able to encourage volunteerism and philanthropy that feeds my soul and warms my heart.
What a typical day of work looks like: On my remote days, I am happily cuddled up with my 2 senior dogs, a pug and terrier mix, and working on planning multiple events and programs simultaneously. When I'm in office, I am located at the Central Research Services Facility (CRSF) on the Health Sciences campus. I am a Faculty Affairs Program Manager for the UC San Diego Faculty Mentoring Training Program (FMTP) and Future Faculty of Cardiovascular Sciences (FOCUS) Program. We encourage faculty career success and growth through professional development activities, mentorship and leadership training.
Hobbies/Passions: My hobbies include spending time with my dogs, singing karaoke songs, reading motivational books, and trying new things. I love going to the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. I'm always on the hunt for the best tacos and ice cream!
Proudest achievement: My proudest achievement is being able to care for my parents as they've cared for me.
Favorite music: Island reggae, reggaeton, country, 90’s/early 00’s pop, Disney songs

Kelvin Huang
Social and Networking Events Chair
Contact: k4huang@ucsd.edu
Home department: Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S)
Years with the University: 13
Why I joined the Staff Association: I join the Staff Association to create a positive impact on campus and foster unity among staff. I strive to build a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and heard, addressing their concerns, and advocating for their interests. Together, we can make our institution an even better place to work and grow.
What a typical day of work looks like:- Conducting safety inspections of laboratories, workshops, and other facilities to identify and mitigate potential hazards.
- Monitoring air quality and exposure levels to various contaminants in different work areas.
- Analyzing data collected from monitoring efforts and preparing reports with recommendations for improvement.
- Investigating and responding to safety concerns and incidents reported by university members.
- Contributing to the development and revision of safety policies and procedures for the university.
- Keeping abreast of the latest regulations and best practices in industrial hygiene to ensure the university remains compliant with health and safety guidelines.
Hobbies/Passions: Backpacking through the National Parks, Music Concerts, Beach Whaling, DJ, and Gym
Proudest achievement: One of my proudest moments was contributing to the construction of the new building projects, which had a budget of over 1 billion dollars.
Favorite music: Techno House, 80’s New Wave, R&B, and Disco

Aracely Chavez
Special Projects & Campus Collaboration Chair
Contact: arc080@ucsd.edu
Home department: T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion
Years with the University: 6
Why I joined the Staff Association: I wanted to join the Staff Association to gain a sense of community and be a part of something on campus. Have the opportunity to network and meet new people.
Hobbies/Passions: My hobby I would have to say Is fitness, I like to work out, hike, be outdoors. My passion is traveling.
Proudest achievement: My proudest achievement would be having kids, I have a son and a daughter, they are my drive.
Favorite music: I love Mexican Indie, pop, rock music.

Divya Subramonian
Staff Education/Development Chair
Contact: dsubramonian@ucsd.edu
Home department: Moores Cancer Center
Years with the University: 4
Why I joined the Staff Association: Staff associations provide a platform for employees to connect and build relationships with colleagues from various departments and levels within the organization. These connections can be valuable for personal and professional growth, fostering a sense of camaraderie among employees and a positive work environment.
What a typical day of work looks like: Manage the Office of Translational Science, an initiative established in April 2022, with a core mission of transforming research findings from the lab, clinic into practical strategies that enhance the health and well-being of individuals and the public. Manage the Office of Translational Science, an initiative established in April 2022, with a core mission of transforming research findings from the lab, clinic into practical strategies that enhance the health and well-being of individuals and the public. Coordinate several research development initiatives at the Cancer Center that includes managing internal grant opportunities and limited submissions programs for external grant opportunities, tracking outcomes of these initiatives, and implementing effective strategies that gauge the success and impact of these initiatives.
Hobbies/Passions: When I am not working, I like to spend time with my family, go on hikes and practice yoga. As an Indian classical dancer, practicing and engaging with this art form deeply connect me to my roots and cultural heritage in several ways.
Favorite music: I love listening to Country music.

Diamond West
Staff Recognition Chair
Contact: d3west@ucsd.edu
Home department: Division of Extended Studies (Corporate Education)
Years with the University: 1
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined UCSD’s Staff Association because I wanted to contribute to the decision-making process on campus as well as work with other colleagues to foster a sense of belonging and promote a positive work culture.
What a typical day of work looks like: The best part of my job is that a typical workday does not exist. I usually start my day by checking emails and reviewing my calendar. I then prioritize my tasks, set goals, and plan my schedule accordingly. Depending on the day, I also attend a series of meetings that include staff meetings, meeting with clients, or cross-functional meetings to coordinate university-wide initiatives. In addition, I also spend time analyzing course-related expenses and preparing financial reports and budgets.
Hobbies/Passions: Some of my hobbies and passions include cooking and baking, traveling, exploring the great outdoors, and journaling.
Proudest achievement: Besides being a supermom to three awesome kiddos, my proudest achievement is graduating with my master's degree in Education back in 2018. At the time, I was working full-time and taking care of my family, so furthering my education seemed like a distant dream. With the support of my family and friends, however, I managed to accomplish that dream.
Favorite music: I love mostly all music genres, but the 90s era is near and dear to my heart.

Alexia Cervantes
Wellness Chair
Contact: alexia@ucsd.edu
Home department: Campus Recreation
Years with the University: 32
Why I joined the Staff Association: To learn more from my colleagues about what they are looking for in employee wellness programs.
What a typical day of work looks like: Meeting with my team, department colleagues, and campus partners to strategize and create programs that positively impact the well-being of student, faculty, staff, and community.
Hobbies/Passions: I try to practice what I preach by moving every day, meditating, eating healthy, and spending time with friends. I love reading and hiking.
Proudest achievement: Student Well Being Advocacy Program, Patient Ambassador Program, Children of Patients Support Group/Ambassador Program, and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Program.
Favorite music: Anything that you can dance to.
Meet the SAEB: Affiliate Group Representatives

Sarab Aziz
Arab American Association
Contact: s3aziz@ucsd.edu
Home department: History
Years with the University: 8
Why I joined the Staff Association: For the endless sense of community, networking and connection!
What a typical day of work looks like: Learning new things, helping students, faculty and staff members and enjoy being at work.
Hobbies/Passions: Music, food, walking and San Diego sunsets.
Proudest achievement: My four kids.
Favorite music: Arabic music with Spanish/Latin flavor, African and Rock music
Michael Provence
Arab American Association
Contact: mprovence@ucsd.edu
Home department: History
Years with the University: 20
Why I joined the Staff Association: To support the Arab community.
What a typical day of work looks like: Teaching and research.
Hobbies/Passions: travel, reading, languages, sailing

Davyda Johnson
Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)
Contact: davyda@ucsd.edu
Home department: Business & Financial Services
Years with the University: 22
Anthony Singleton
co-Chair, Black Staff Association (BSA)
Contact: asingleton@ucsd.edu
Home department: Business & Financial Services
Years with the University: 32
Mario Garibay, Ed.D.
Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Contact: magaribay@ucsd.edu
Home department: Eleanor Roosevelt College Student Affairs
Years with the University: 8
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined CLSA to help build community among Latinx/Chicanx staff and connect with colleagues across campus.
What a typical day of work looks like: There is no typical day at work! At the end of each day, whatever I do is to make sure that UCSD and ERC provides a sense of home and belonging to every student.
Hobbies/Passions: I love going to the movies, Disneyland or to Target, and reading comics. I am a huge Disney and Marvel fan. I also love spending time with my two sons.
Proudest achievement: Those two children I mentioned.
Favorite music: I like most music, although my Sportify is consumed by children’s music like Baby Shark and Disney hits. Again, those two children I mentioned.

Angelo Colon
Vice Chair, Chicanx/Latinx Staff Association (CLSA)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Contact: alcolon@ucsd.edu
Home department: Muir College Student Affairs
Years with the University: 2
Why I joined the Staff Association: The Staff Association provides me an opportunity to connect with colleagues across campus and to build community for all. I chose to start with the CLSA to advocate for and be a voice for a community that has been an important component of who I am as a person.
Favorite movie and why: Halloween. It was my first introduction to the cinematic worlds of suspense and horror.
Hobbies/Passions: – I truly enjoy heading to a great theme park, particularly ones with multiple roller coasters, or great theming like the Disney parks. You can also find me satiating my desire to learn at a museum or deep in thought in a book.
Favorite quote: “To all who come to this happy place, welcome.” -Walt Disney

Hiroko Wilson
Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship (FSCF)
Contact: hwilson@ucsd.edu
Home department: Capital Program Management
Years with the University: 5
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined Staff Association through Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship. Staff Association gives me a chance to meet and connect with people from other departments.
What a typical day of work looks like: My job as a Contract Administrator is to work with project managers, prepare public bid solicitations, coordinate job walks, coordinate bid openings for various campus capital and maintenance projects. I also handle various professional service contracts. Basically my day is filled with paperwork with frequent job site visits and meetings.
Hobbies/Passions: I love going to church and being involved in various service activities with my church and also UCSD colleagues. I love taking a walk with my dog Beans and enjoy cooking.
Proudest achievement: I have never imagined as a girl growing up in Japan I am where I am today in beautiful San Diego happily working for UCSD and blessed with my husband and 2 sons. It’s a miraculous series of events that led me to where I am today and I am thankful for the life I am given.
Favorite music: Oh Happy Day!

Margaret (Mimi) Rattanachane
co-Chair, Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)
Contact: mrattana@health.ucsd.edu
Home department: Medicine
Years with the University: 10
Why I joined the Staff Association: Mentorship and Connection
What a typical day of work looks like: Breakfast, a long check list, lunch, more check lists.
Hobbies/Passions: I am a community organizer, and a cigar and whisky enthusiast.
Favorite music: Hip/Hop, Rap

Chelsea Largoza
co-Chair, Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact: ssyoung@health.ucsd.edu
Home department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Years with the University: 9
Why I joined the Staff Association: I was presented with the unexpected opportunity to step up as Co-Chair of the Pan-Asian Staff Association. I've been enjoying my time so far, and have met fellow staff members from all across campus who have become great friends, mentors, and colleagues.
What a typical day of work looks like: I wake up and make the far commute of 30 steps to my work-from-home station, but not before I whip up an iced coffee and say hello to my plants. When I do work on campus, I enjoy taking the Blue Line trolley!
Hobbies/Passions: I find so much fulfillment in the performing arts, both on stage and in the audience. I'm also a proud member of the PlanTITA club! Any other house plant lovers out there???
Proudest achievement: I am very grateful to be at a point in my life where I am able to financially give back to my communities and support local businesses in the same way that my parents and family modeled for me growing up.
Favorite music: OPM- Original Pinoy Music!

Veronica Phair
Parents, Guardians and Caregivers Association (PGCA)
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact: vphair@ucsd.edu
Home department: Department of Extended Studies
Years with the University: 8
Why I joined the Staff Association: I had always wanted to get involved with the University, then I found Social Mamma’s committee where I could meet fellow moms and feel a part of a community. It made me feel connected and more zealous to work for UC San Diego.
Hobbies/Passions: I like to be crafty in my free time, and one of my passions is decorating Christmas trees.
Proudest achievement: Performing at Carnegie Hall in 2002.
Favorite music: My phone is always on shuffle with many different genre, but I mostly play 2000 pop.

Diana Henderson
Staff Sustainability Network
Contact: dlhenderson@ucsd.edu
Home department: Facilities and Services Information Management (FSIM) within Resources Management and Planning
Years with the University: 4
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined the staff association to make connections with like-minded community members.
What a typical day of work looks like: Coordinate with students and consultants to move forward with GIS projects. Utilize a variety of software’s to update centralized geospatial geometry and attributes. Build relationships with constituents; document business processes and requirements and make recommendations for GIS application implementation.
Hobbies/Passions: Rugby, yoga, gardening, cooking, my dogs, building community.
Proudest achievement: Being awarded as an All-American Rugby player.
Favorite music: Grunge/Metal
LaWana Richmond
Chair, UJIMA Network
Contact: lrichmond@ucsd.edu
Home department: Triton Auxiliary Programs and Services (TAPS)
Years with the University: 18
Why I joined the Staff Association: Connect with Campus Community.
What a typical day of work looks like: Daily huddles, zoom meetings, presentations, and classes as well as extensive talent analytics.
Hobbies/Passions: Afrofuturism, Art, Sci-Fi, and Painting.
Proudest achievement: My children and my grandson.
Favorite music: Neo Soul
Ynez Hicks
Chair, Veterans Staff Association (VSA)
Contact: yhicks@ucsd.edu
Home department: Information Technology Services
Rhett Miller
Visual Arts Group
Contact: r2miller@ucsd.edu
Home department: Management and Planning
Years with the University: 20
Why I joined the Staff Association: To represent Visual Arts Group and staff who join.
What a typical day of work looks like: Video and photography.
Hobbies/Passions: illustration
Proudest achievement: At work- starting up the Triton Bike program and being a drone pilot at the university and capturing needed footage.
Favorite music: Jeff Beck, Pat Metheny, Beatles
Meet the SAEB: Non-Voting Members
Csilla Csori
Marcom Committee Member
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Home department: Supercomputer Center
Years with the University: 23
Why I joined the Staff Association: I felt a bit disconnected working fully remote. Joining the Staff Association has given me an opportunity to create connections with colleagues from all parts of the campus.
What a typical day of work looks like: Writing code, adding new features to applications, managing data and databases. Lots of project management and change management with all of the new campus systems.
Hobbies/Passions: Travel, gardening, sci-fi, tabletop games, TTRPG, Comic-Con.
Proudest achievement: When I bought my house, the yard was mostly dead - bare dirt with a few shrubs and spiders. I've been slowly transforming it into a garden ecosystem and food forest. It brings me joy to look out my window and see a variety of flowers, fruit, birds, lizards, rabbits, bees, butterflies... and most recently a skunk! (Thankfully, he was just passing through!)
Favorite music: Pop and musicals. Songs that are fun to sing along to while driving.
Jennie Van Meter
Marcom Committee Member
Home department: Division of Extended Studies, Marketing and Communications
Years with the University: 13
Why I joined the Staff Association: I joined the Staff Association to meet and work with new people around campus, learn new skills, and get a fresh look at my work environment. It's been a wonderful experience and a great support during my transition to a new job on campus.
What a typical day of work looks like: Collaborations galore. Lots of writing and meetings, juggling platforms and systems, quick turnaround and deadlines, making connections, and leveraging partnerships and assets. Usually feels like living inside a triple espresso all day!
Hobbies/Passions: Drawing and painting, spending time with family (including my two dogs), reading and watching TV (I love a good story), Russian kettlebell workouts and dancing. I love to travel and need to get back to it.
Proudest achievement: My beautiful children, who are so amazing and, as teens/young adults, actually still like me! They inspire me everyday.
Favorite music: I love music of all kinds and love to dance.